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End of the Medieval Era
in History

In your opinion, what marked the end of the Medieval era, Urbino? Agincourt? Pavia? The Crusades? Please explain why.

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  • I believe that the medieval era was closed by multiple factors which includes the crusades and Urbino. Them coming together, closed the Medieval era through their causes.
  • The renaissance brought the notion that man is independent responsible for his own actions. Knowledge and the liberal arts started to become valued over faith. I believe that is the true ending of the middle ages where god was valued over man, and groups over the individual.Arguable the high enlightenment ended the dark ages of medieval time. New technology, most importantly the printing press, help spread the bible and new Ideas around Europe. New politicians and writers such as Machiovelli and Erasmus created philosophies about government systems. All these factors combined ended the dark ages and brought Europe into the light.
  • What is this?
  • FascismFascism 338 Pts
    edited November 2017
    The beginning of the Renaissance ended the Dark Ages. This was when a radical new philosophy begin to take place, which caused major societal changes, and carved Europe for the rest of history. 
  • I usually state 1453.

    As the Roman Empire fell, and Constantinople specifically by cannon fire. The Renaissance also begins around this time.
  • I believe it was the fall of Constantinople since the domino effect led to several changes is European society.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 1699 Pts
    It really depends on what area we are talking about. Medieval era in my eyes is mostly characterized by Feudal societal organization. Feudalism was on the decline in Europe for some time and ended around the 15th century, but in Japan it held for a couple more centuries, and in Russia effectively disappeared only in the middle of the 19th century.

    The end of feudalism in Europe also coincided with the beginning of the exploration era, which had a global impact - so I am inclined to call 15th century the end of the medieval era. People above mentioned the year of the fall of Roman Empire, and I think it is a pretty accurate estimate.
  • In my opinion the medieval era ended with the invention of the musket
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